3 Free Tips to Help Get a Better Score on the NC Math 3 EOC!!!

3 Free Tips to Help Get a Better Score on the NC Math 3 EOC!!!

Review Season

My January Resolutions

Hello World,

It is that time of year again. Most of the world is making New Year Resolutions. Many of the lists I have seen on social media have resolutions like losing weight, making more money, getting ready to travel more (some of these sound like mine, but who’s counting 😊) At my school, we are getting ready to end the first semester. For a teacher, it’s kinda like having two New Year Resolution lists in the same month. I have my personal resolutions and then the new ideas I want to begin the second semester.

Over the past week, we have been getting ready to take the NC Math 3 EOC. It’s review time!!!!!! My mindset is one of a coach; we’ve been practicing all semester. Now it’s time to put the drills and skills to action. Below are 3 tips I am giving to my students to help them score better on the Math 3 EOC.

3 Free Tips to Help Get a Better Score on the NC Math 3 EOC!!!

1.   Get Plenty of Rest!!

This goes without having a huge explanation. Make sure you get some zzz’s the night before you have to take your exam. I know there are plenty of other things you could be doing with your time, but this is just for one night. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep, as recommended by the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/features/students-sleep.htm). Since this test is scheduled weeks in advance, please try to make plans with current employers so that they are aware you have a test to take the next day. 

Pro Tip: Save the Date!!! Add your exam date to your phone’s calendar. Set a special reminder. 

2.   Use Your Time Wisely!!!

This is a timed test. The test is expected to last 3 hours, give or take an hour. For most students, this is a long period of time to be focused. Utilize the break to stand and get the blood flowing through your body. Pace yourself. You don’t have to answer the test in order. Find all the questions you know and answer them first. Then come back and answer the ones you had to think twice about. This way you will be able to look at all the questions of the exam.

Pro Tip: Don’t fall into a deep sleep while testing. Sometimes students fall asleep, I get it. You won’t get that time back for sleeping.

3.   Know Your Calculator

You get to use a calculator!!!! YES!!! The whole entire time, from start to finish!!! For Math 3, you will have access to an online calculator. You should be familiar with the calculator before you take the exam. My students use Desmos everyday in class from the beginning of the semester until the exam. Most students find ways to use the calculator in ways even I haven’t thought about. Desmos is very user-friendly and interactive.You can download the app for easy access when completing homework or math problems on the go.

Pro-Tip: You have to use the calculator in class when given the opportunity. The teacher can’t give any help during the EOC. Make sure you know how the calculator functions from your personal experience.


Months of preparation goes into getting ready for an exam. These 3 tips can help ease some anxiety going into the exam. Just remember to also breathe and use what you have learned during the semester to help you through the exam. Good luck to all the teachers, students, and parents during exam season!!!! If you have additional tips, comment below!!