Hello world!

Hello world!

Welcome to Edge in Math!!!

I am excited to present my first blog post!!! This one is going to be short and sweet. Edge in Math was developed during the pandemic. The 2020-2021 school year presented a lot of challenges for teachers of all ages and experiences. This was my 11th year of teaching, but first of its kind. Within my family, there are several teachers ranging from elementary to high school teachers. We talked a lot about how to try and reach the students during “remote” teaching. I was able to provide them with solid advice to help them through the school year.

man in gray crew neck t shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on white couch using
Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.com

Even though most teachers didn’t work in the building, I went to school everyday I could (safely!!). I was bouncing ideas off of the teachers who I was able to see face to face when the students were at home. By talking to them, I began to feel more confident in my ability to help other teachers in their classrooms. My goal is to help other math teachers feel successful in their classrooms. Thus Edge in Math was born.

white and red track field
Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels.com

Why the name Edge in Math??

I chose the name Edge in Math because of my sports background. I ran track from middle school to high school. IN most races, the goal is to win. Sometimes the race is close. In order to finish in first place, you need an edge of your opponent, The best track quote any coach will tell you is to “run through the line and lean at the finish.”

My spin on this advice is helping teachers gain an edge in their math classroom. There are times when you feel burned out or feel like you need an extra boost to just make it past the day. I want to help provide those teachers with support to make it through their “finish line.” Edge in Math is a way for me to help support math teachers beyond my classroom.

So once again,

Hello World!!!