Teacher Workdays Experiences: Asking Questions

Teacher Workdays Experiences: Asking Questions

It’s back to school season. Most school districts around the country are preparing week long presentations for their back to school teacher workdays. There will be music and get to know you games for the staff members. The days are designed for you to know who (in the building) to go to during the school year for any questions. Make sure you have your coffee (or soda) handy…

coffee for the teacher workday zoom meetings
Photo by Lukas on Pexels.com

Many teachers are coming into the building for the first time. This year will be my 13th year of teaching, BUT it may feel like my first year due to all the new staff changes. There will be new faces to meet and greet. With the shuffling of school personal, it is helpful to know (based on titles) who to go to during the back to school teacher workdays.

Watch this short video during your teacher workdays

Helpful List of Who You Can Ask Questions to during the Week of Teacher Workdays Video

Building those Relationships

Now that you’ve got an idea of who’s who in the building, use this to help make your new school year a success. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Everyone in the school is there for a common goal: to help educate the students.

***Quick Tip*** During these meetings write down the important names of the people you will be in contact with the most. Stop by their classroom or office and introduce yourself. For me, I like to walk around during teacher workdays to meet the new staff I get to work with for the school year. I’m the teacher who like to get her “steps in”.

Interested in getting to know more about connecting and building relationships as a teacher??? Follow me on Instagram: @mslawsonmath for more knowledge jewels!!